
Detailed Information
Services Provided

Collection of over 160,000 books, audiobooks, DVDs, CDs, etc.
Collection of over 43,000 eBooks and eAudiobooks: Downloadable eBooks, eAudiobooks and videos for supported audio and eBook devices. (Library2Go, Libby, Hoopla, ).
Access to library collections worldwide (over 50,000,000 titles plus).
Computer access to online databases.
Summer Reading Program (June & July).
Teen Programs
After School Programs
Customer assistance in locating materials and information.
Internet access to online catalog.
Special collections: Business, Genealogy, North Dakota, Lewis and Clark.
INFORMATION AND REFERRAL: Provides a communication link between consumers with a problem and providers who will be able to help them. Information and Referrals to almost 600 clubs, organizations, and agencies in the Minot area. The library takes calls for information on clubs, organizations and agencies – providing names of organizations, contact persons and telephone numbers that may be able to help the individual.
HOME BOUND DELIVERY SERVICES: Special services are available to those individuals in Minot who are unable to come to the library. Books, audio books, etc. are delivered to individual’s homes once a month by a librarian or a volunteer.
LARGE PRINT BOOKS: Our collection includes large print books for individuals who have difficulty reading smaller print. Fiction and non-fiction available.
MEETING ROOM: Two accessible meeting rooms are available.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: The Minot Public Library needs volunteers to help shelve books, deliver books, etc.
The Library Board of Trustees are: Mark Lyman, President (term expires June 2026) Christine Cherry, Vice President (term expires June 2025) Roger Reich, Secretary, (term expires June 2024)
Carrie Evans (term expires June 2025), Lyndsay Ulrickson (term expires June 2025)

Mission Statement

The Minot Public Library is the center of information and exploration for the community.

Serve people in Region II
Area Served
Region II
Contact Information
Office Hours
Monday -- Thursday: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm, Friday -- Saturday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, Sunday: CLOSED
Zhaina Moya, Library Director
Street Address
516 2nd Ave SW Minot, ND 58701
Mailing Address
516 2nd Ave SW Minot, ND 58701