The Club runs the Pioneer Village Car Museum, which is part of the Ward County Historical Society’s Pioneer Village Museum located at 8181 Highway 2 / 52 West, Burlington, ND – which is just East of the Burlington turn off, and on the South side of the Highway. Vehicles and farm machinery will be displayed once we get enough donations to build and finish a building for this. Recreational, educational group.
Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:45 at the Pizza Ranch.
Monthly meetings are open to the public. Ownership of a vehicle is not required to belong to the Club.
On the 4th Thursday each month we go on a run somewhere, meet at a different restaurant around the area, or have a pot luck supper.
President: Dan Caswell 721-3617
Vice President: Ed Zunbaum 509-0756
Secretary: Judy Brooks 833-8893