The Minot Commission on Aging, Inc. (MCA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing quality services to older Americans. Bingo, Low impact exercise, educational programs, Craft day, Social Cards, Social Dancing, Bible Study.
Our Programs:
Senior Services provided Congregate Meals, Meals on Wheels, Foot care Services, In Home Services (Prairie Rose Home Service), Senior Careline, SHIC Counselors (medicare part D).
Activities: Bingo, movies
Exercise Tuesdays, and Thursdays beginning at 9:30am
To promote understanding of the various problems of the senior citizens and elderly in the city, to promote and implement various programs to help meet the needs and solve the problems of senior citizens including transportation of the elderly and disabled and meals – on- wheels, to accept contributions of cash, materials, pledges, machinery or any other type of gift or contribution for the purpose of promoting programs and solving the problems of senior citizens and elderly persons in the City of Minot and surrounding area.
Serving counties: Bottineau, Burke, McHenry, Pierce, Renville, Ward and Mountrail counties.
Volunteers are always needed to assist the Minot Commission on Aging staff in providing services, especially Meals on Wheels (home delivered meals).
Souris Basin Transportation took over the transportation services from the Minot Commission on Aging, they can be contacted by calling 701-839-7433.
To assist senior citizens so that they may remain in their homes and retain their independence. “There’s No Place Like Home”