There are 13 elementary, three middle schools, two high schools and an alternative school (Souris River Campus). General Education Services for K-12 as well as Special Education Services are available for children with the following disabling conditions: visually impaired, hearing impaired, learning disabled, speech/language disorders, physically disabled, mentally disabled, multiple handicapped, emotionally disturbed, and pre-school services. Interactive Television Library/Media Center. Child Care – School age child care is offered before and after school in some of the elementary buildings. Co-curricular activities include: art, pom-pom, cheerleading, pep club, debate, DECA, drama, foreign languages, FBLA, FFA, FHA, HERO, honor society, music, newspaper, science club, searchlight, speech, weight training. Athletic Activities include: baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis, track, football and wrestling. Drug/Alcohol Education – Minot Public Schools is involved in the Drug Free Schools and Community Program. English as a Second Language – ESL is available for those students who do not have command of the English language.
High Schools:
Central Campus 857-4660
Magic City Campus 857-4500
Souris River Campus 857-4496
Middle Schools:
Erik Ramstad 857-4466
Jim Hill 857-4477
Memorial Jr. HS 727-3300
Elementary Schools
Bel Air 857-4590
Bell 420-1880
Dakota 727-3310
Edison 857-4595
Headstart 857-4600
Jefferson Early Childhood Center 857-4600
Lewis and Clark 857-4665
Lincoln 857-4605
Longfellow 857-4610
McKinley 857-4615
North Plains 727-3320
Perkett 857-4680
Roosevelt 857-4685
Sunnyside 857-4690
Washington 857-4695
Mark Vollmer: Superintendent
Scott Faul: Secondary Assistant Superintendent
Bryn Iverson: Elementary Assistant Superintendent