They meet regularly to help each other stay clean. They are not interested in what or how much you used … but only in what you want to do about your problem and how we can help.” Membership is open to all drug addicts, regardless of the particular drug or combination of drugs used.
When adapting AA’s First Step, the word “addiction” was substituted for “alcohol,” thus removing drug-specific language and reflecting the “disease concept” of addiction. There are no social, religious, economic, racial, ethnic, national, gender, or class-status membership restrictions. There are no dues or fees for membership; while most members regularly contribute small sums to help cover the expenses of meetings, such contributions are not mandatory.
Narcotics Anonymous provides a recovery process and support network inextricably linked together. One of the keys to NA’s success is the therapeutic value of addicts working with other addicts. Members share their successes and challenges in overcoming active addiction and living drug-free productive lives through the application of the principles contained within the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of NA. These principles are the core of the Narcotics Anonymous recovery program. Principles incorporated within the steps include: admitting there is a problem; seeking help; engaging in a thorough self-examination; confidential self-disclosure; making amends for harm done; and helping other drug addicts who want to recover. Central to the Narcotics Anonymous program is its emphasis on practicing spiritual principles. Narcotics Anonymous itself is non-religious, and each member is encouraged to cultivate an individual understanding-religious or not-of this “spiritual awakening.” Narcotics Anonymous is not affiliated with other organizations, including other twelve step programs, treatment centers, or correctional facilities. As an organization, NA does not employ professional counselors or therapists nor does it provide residential facilities or clinics. Additionally, the fellowship does not provide vocational, legal, financial, psychiatric, or medical services.
NA has only one mission: to provide an environment in which addicts can help one another stop using drugs and find a new way to live. In Narcotics Anonymous, members are encouraged to comply with complete abstinence from all drugs including alcohol. It has been the experience of NA members that complete and continuous abstinence provides the best foundation for recovery and personal growth. NA as a whole has no opinion on outside issues, including prescribed medications. Use of psychiatric medication and other medically indicated drugs prescribed by a physician and taken under medical supervision is not seen as compromising a person’s recovery in NA.
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“Unity Group”
8PM – Northern Testing (OP, WC)
2201 15th St SW (by the mall)-NE door
Contact – Jennifer 701-721-7403
8PM- Living Word Lutheran Church (OP, WC, OD)
710 46th Ave. NE
Contact – Saul 701-721-8682
7PM- Northern Testing (CL, WC)
2201 15th St SW (by the mall)-NE door
Contact – Kevin P-701-240-6651
8PM – Northern Testing (CL, WC)
2201 15th St SW
Contact – Kevin P-701-240-6651
8PM – Living Word Lutheran Church (OP, WC, OD)
710 46th Ave NE
Contact – Miles 701-822-0595
8PM – Our Reedeemers Lutheran Church (CL, WC)
700 16th Ave SE
Contact – Broch V 701-340-9660
430 Broadway N
Contact – Jennifer 701-721-7403– Saul 701-721-8682