Retirement – Retirement benefits are available to all wage earners age 62 and over who have had social security covered employment. Amount of benefit is based on person’s wages, prior to retirement. There are earning limitations imposed for those working and drawing benefits. There are also benefits payable to children of wage earners who are under age 18 and to spouses over age 62, who are not insured for benefits on their own records.
Survivor: Survivor benefits are payable to children and spouses of deceased wage earners if the children are under age 18 or spouse is age 60 and over or age 50 and disabled.
Disability: Disability benefits are payable to wage earners who are under disability expenses for at least one year. Benefits are payable beginning 6 months after onset of disablement. Disabled Adult Child: Available to children of wage earners drawing retirement or disability benefits or deceased if the children are age 18 or over and under a disability which began before age 18.
TITLE XVI: Low income program funded by general revenue designed to supplement low income or provide income to those over 65 or disabled. There are income and resource limitations in this program.
TITLE XVIII: Medicare benefits are health insurance benefits payable to social security recipients age 65 or over or who have drawn disability benefits for 24 months. There are two parts: hospital and supplemental medical insurance.
COMMENTS: Applying for any type of benefit with social security, identification is necessary. Birth or baptismal records are necessary to obtain a social security card, along with one other form of ID. The S.S. card is issued by the local S.S. office when applying for other benefits. S.S. number is needed as well as proof of last year’s earnings, if any.
Agency administers programs under Title 11 (Retirement, Survivors and Disability), Title XVI (Supplemental Security Income for the blind, disabled and aged), and Title XVIII, (Medicare).