Detailed Information
Services Provided
It is a priority of Students In Transition is to provide students and families with the necessary means to stay in school and be successful. The following services are available to students and families living in a transitional situation:
School supplies
Assistance with enrollment
Transportation to and from school
Before and after school daycare (where available)
Free school breakfast and lunch (where available)
Tutoring Assistance with school-related fees
Referral to local services and agencies
Additional Info
Coordinator: Polly Silverton
The program serves children and youth, ages preschool-21 years, who are homeless. The term "homeless" includes the following: -Individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence -Those living in a hotel, motel, trailer park, or campgr
School Counselor or Program coordinator.
Area Served
Minot Area
Contact Information
Street Address
1609 4th Ave NW Minot, ND 58701
Mailing Address
1609 4th Ave NW Minot, ND 58701