Trinity Health Services, Riverside serves anyone in need.
Nurturing/Parenting Education classes: From birth to 5 years and 4-12 years. Educates parents in age appropriate parenting skills. Support group for parents and children. Contact Denice or Linda at 857-3616 or 857-3622.
Families and Schools Together: Program helps families build better communication, gives opportunity to meet other families, parent support group and builds relationship with child’s school. Contact Denice at 857-3616 or 857-3622.
Work on Anger Management Skills
SOCIAL SKILLS are taught to children K-2nd Grade and 3rd-6th grade students. Members learn proper ways to introduce themselves. They learn how to handle themselves. They learn how to make friends. Program for girls grades 8th to 12th grade. Topics discussed are family relationships, identity issues, social skills and coping skills to manage emotions and relationships.
Nationally approved Safe Sitter training is offered at Health Center – Riverside. The class for ages 11-13teaches babysitters how to handle crisis, keep the children secure and how to nurture and guide a young child. The $40 class fee must be paid in advance.
Work with victims of crisis, suicide 857-2360
Traumatic Brain Injury Support Group meets the first Tuesday of each month from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm at Trinity Health Center-Riverside. For more information call 857-5998.
Making More Possible