Under the direction and supervision of the Board of County Commissioners, the County Engineer shall:
Design and make plans for county and township highways
Set up a comprehensive plan of county highways, showing by the use of maps, existing roads, operations in progress, and future plans.
Superintend county construction and maintenance operations pertaining to highways and bridges.
Keep a complete record of costs and expenditures.
Check all accounts, claims, and demands for expenditures in connection with all matters supervised by the county engineer and indicate the county engineer’s recommendation prior to the submission of such accounts, claims, and demands to the board of county commissioners.
Keep a complete inventory of all equipment, repairs, gasoline and oil, and miscellaneous items.
Supervise the use and disposition of all county-owned road equipment and materials.
Employ and supervise all other personnel engaged in county road operations, terminating such employment when required in the best interest of the county.
Prepare and submit to the board of county commissioners a complete yearly report and such additional reports as may be required by the board of county commissioners at any time. Cooperate with the federal highway administration, the North Dakota Department of Transportation, and the townships of the county.
Perform such other duties as may be designated by the board of county commissioners.