
Detailed Information
Services Provided

Food Pantry: a food pantry will be available to anyone who is in need. The donations will come from the Minot community and surrounding areas. Financial qualification will not be required. Hot Meals: “The Welcome Table” kitchen will be a locally staffed and funded service that will provide meals that are not being offered at one of the local soup kitchens. A true grass roots effort, our success rests on the support of our community at all levels. Local businesses, civic groups, schools and faith based groups will plan, purchase, prepare and serve a meal. We will provide food for the body and companionship for the soul.

Basic Health Care: will be available by volunteer health care professionals. Education: Our goal is to mentor our guests in a variety of basic life skills such as resume’ development, job searching, personal hygiene, first aid, budgeting and meal preparation.

Social Workers: Everyone needs someone to talk to. Our professionals will be available to help with our guest’s emotional and spiritual care.

Shelter: As funds and space allow, we want to be able to provide a safe and warm place for individuals and families to sleep. The shelter can be used for immediate needs, short terms needs, as well as a homeless shelter.

For more information you can use the above e-mail address or call 701-839-1990.
Contact Information
Heather E.
Street Address
1901 South Broadway, Suite 2 Minot, ND 58701
Mailing Address
PO Box 716, Minot, ND 58702