The Opera performs a variety of representative works including those by Mozart, Bizet, Puccini, and Donizetti. Western Plains Childrens Choir
MEMBERSHIP: Membership is by audition only; each choir is a select group. Call a director for more information.
WE SING: Renaissance, Classical, Folk, Pop, Broadway, Sacred, Multi-cultural- all styles of music! We occasionally add choreography. During the school year we perform “concert style” choral music, during the summer we perform a staged musical.
GOALS: To provide musically gifted children the opportunity to develop and enhance their individual singing ability within a choral ensemble. To develop and maintain a high standard of choral quality through vocal training, singing many styles of quality literature, and performance experiences. To promote personal growth through responsibility to the group. We seek to provide rich aesthetic experiences for all who participate.
Western Plains Opera Company’s mission as an organization is to blend the best of professional, community, and Minot State University resources to produce outstanding opera in the north central plains and to foster in local youths the love of good singing and good singing practices.