
Detailed Information
Services Provided

NDCPD is a University Center of Excellence on Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) and we are part of a network of similar programs ( at universities throughout the United States.

NDCPD has four functional areas that drives our work, see below:

1. COMMUNITY SERVICES & TRAINING: NDCPD provides services, training and technical assistance to individuals, professionals, agencies, family members, caregivers, etc. in ND communities
an various disability-related topics.
2. RESEARCH: NDCPD conducts credible practical research and evaluation in many areas important to people with developmental disabilities including assistive technology, self-
determination, customized employment, etc. Our goal is to create new knowledge in order to better serve community needs for practices and supports that are evidence based.
3. PRESERVICE: NDCPD works with MSU students and students from other institutions of higher education in a variety of ways to prepare these students to work with people with disabilities
in all capacities.
4 INFORMATION DISSEMINATION: NDCPD has a variety of products and publications serving the disability community.

For more information, see our website for detailed information,

Additional Info

Contact information: (800)233-1737 or (701)858-3580

Mission Statement

To provide service, education, and research which empowers communities to welcome, value and support diverse people of all abilities to advance self-determination and inclusion throughout the lifespan.

Children/adults with a disability
Call 800-233-1737
Area Served
North Dakota
Contact Information
Lori Garnes or Susie Mack
Street Address
500 University Ave W Minot, ND 58707
Mailing Address
500 University Ave W Minot, ND 58707